Wednesday, 11 December 2019 17:06

Best Ways to Treat Hammer Toe without Surgery

Best-ways-to-treat-hammer-toeHammer toe, also known as contracted toe is a particular medical condition that is usually caused by the muscle imbalance wherein one’s toes are bent and take a claw-like angle or position. Hammer toe is common with second toe and most frequently when bunion pushes the big toe under and towards it, though the toes can be equally affected. Some individuals think that Hammer Toe can only be treated with surgeries which is actually not true at all times. This medical condition can be treated even without resorting to surgeries.
So What Are The Best Ways to Treat Hammer Toe without Surgery

Splints are especially designed to straighten the curled hammer toes. The Hammer Toe splints can used also to extend the contracted toe which has been curled up or can be utilized to pull the hammer toe down. Splints are usually made of larger foam pads with single, double or 3 loops. These connect into the pad and then rise up perpendicularly to the pad. The splints function in such a way that it makes use of the body weight in pulling the hammer toe back on its normal state or alignment. These are commonly made of synthetic materials and can be hand washed in clean and lukewarm water. It is essential to dry the splints completely before using them again.
Shoes for Hammer Toes

There are generally the best and most suited shoes for hammer toes and these got good cushion and flexible area on the ball of your foot. The heels are needs to be supportive and strong and the front of the shoe must be flexible. Overall, these shoes should make one feel comfortable upon wearing it. Shoes for Hammer Toes are no like regular shoes and there are specific time when to wear these shoes. The best time to wear it is either after a walk or in the afternoon when foot commonly obtain more blood supply. Since people with hammer toes are not advised to wear high heels, wearing these flat and comfortable shoes is a better option.
Pads to Rectify Hammer Toes

Hammer toe pad are proven to be useful for individuals with hammer or contracted toes. This is mainly used in controlling motion of the toe and binding them in place to prevent this from rubbing against the shoes resulting to discomfort. There are many different pads that are now available in the market today which are especially designed for contracted or hammer toes. Choosing suitable pads is vital to lessen the discomfort because of hammer toes. Selecting the right pad also depends on the problem’s location.

These are just few of the many other possible treatments for hammer toes. Another highly considerable treatment is foot exercise specifically toe crunch exercises. You can also perform the toe tap and manual stretch exercises for hammer toes. If these exercises are done right, then these can contribute to the effective treatments for hammer toes. You do not really need to undergo costly surgeries unless otherwise all possible treatments no longer work for you.

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